Camp dates from July 14th – 18th

"*" indicates required fields

Student's Legal Name:*
Home Address*

State law requires that the following information indicate physical address of the parents/guardians in case of emergency.
Parent or Guardian's Name:*
Home Address:*
Business Address:

Required for registration - unless student is 16 years of age and has a valid driver's license.
Please list all persons, including parents, who are authorized to pick up this student. The student WILL NOT be released to any person not listed here, regardless of relationship to the student.
Person 1:*
Person 2:
Person 3:

Medical treatment information for students is required for registration.
Person to call in case of emergency:*
(restricted to vision or hearing, listed allergies, sun sensitivity, attention deficit disorder, etc.)

"In case of a medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians of students. In the event that I cannot be reached, I the parent or this applicant, delegate to Motion Picture Institute the authority to authorize and consent to any and all medical, surgical, dental, or hospital care or treatment while he/she is a Filmmaking Camp student at MPI. Such treatment is to be rendered, or under the jurisdiction of a duly licensed physician, nurse, or dentist.
Motion Picture Institute is fully authorized to act in accordance with their best judgement in such emergency and is absolved from any liability or financial responsibility in connection therewith".
NOTE: For any medical condition that requires administration of medication and/or if medications will be brought onto Motion Picture Institute campus: provide a copy of actual prescription, conditions under which medication shall be administered, and by whom. (ie: administrated nurse, by camper, etc.) Please inform us if student has medication for self-administration and if refrigeration is required. Attach copies of originals to page 3 of this form. Motion Picture Institute does not retain a nurse during the program. The program staff dispenses no medication (i.e. aspirin).

PAYMENT: All programs require full payment in order to reserve a seat in the camp. If the camp is unavailable at the time of your registration we will return your check.
We accept checks, money orders (made out to Motion Picture Institute), credit cards (subject to a 2.5% processing fee) and paypal (made to If you have questions you may call us at (248) 528-1760.
CANCELLATION: In the unlikely event the Motion Picture Institute needs to cancel registrations for the camp your entire payment will be refunded. Returned checks will be mailed to the student's home address.
PARTICIPATION CANCELLATION REFUNDS: In the event a student elects to cancel enrollment, full refunds (less a $25.00 processing fee) will be given if written cancellation notice is received before May 1st. Any cancellation after this date student will receive a 50% refund (less a $25.00 processing fee). No refunds are given after June 1st.
SUMMER WAITING LISTS: If the camp fills, the registrar will provide registrants with the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. Throughout the registration season, the registrar will communicate with wait list families when and if an opening occurs. Participation on any waiting list will be organized according to the date the registration was received.
DECLINING APPLICATION: Motion Picture Institute reserves the right to decline any application for programmatic reasons.
MOTION PICTURE INSTITUTE is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.

SUBMIT PAYMENT IN FULL. COST IS $699.00 (includes MPI T-Shirt)
a. Mail to 2040 Crooks Rd. Ste. B. Troy, MI 48084.
b. Have questions regarding registration? Call (248) 528-1760 or Email:
c. Registrations cannot be processed and space cannot be reserved without payment in full.


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