Motion Picture Institute offers job placement assistance to all our graduates.

Our alumni programming includes continuing education opportunities, film industry guest speaker events, school productions, networking events and gear access to aspiring directors to continue post graduate projects.
Through preparation demos, resumes, and interviewing skills, the Career Services Department is devoted to helping graduates obtain entry-level jobs in the film and digital media industries.
Although placement is a priority, it is by no means a guarantee. Students are expected to take an active role in their search for employment. The most important factors in finding the first job after graduation are perseverance and professionalism. The Career Services Department plays an active role in searching for job leads and pursuing and maintaining relationships with employers and assisting students in their endeavors.
Graduates seeking employment assistance are expected to follow up on the leads they accept from their advisor, and actively seek employment themselves by searching the internet for job postings, researching potential employers, placing phone calls, and sending out résumés.

Having a good attitude is crucial to success in this or any other career. Students should come to class every day as if they are coming to a job interview, because employers and graduates visit the Motion Picture Institute on a regular basis.
The Motion Picture Institute prepares students to work in the film industry. Some of the topics covered in class include the demands of today’s film professional, how to work with clients, understanding the organizational structure of the industry, and establishing the professionalism needed to acquire an entry-level job.
Motion Picture Institute graduates are working all over the world in Denmark, Sweden, India, Nigeria, Paris, United Kingdom as well as in Atlanta, New York, North Carolina, Louisiana, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. Our goal is to get grads on set and in paid positions wherever opportunities await.